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  • info@irqccert.com



New food hygiene laws came into effect in the UK in January 2006, affecting all food businesses,   including     1-caterers      2- retailers

Safer food, better business (SFBB) is an innovative and practical approach to food safety management. It has been developed by FSA (Food Safety Agency of UK Government) to help small businesses such as restaurants, cafés and takeaways put in place food safety management procedures and comply with food hygiene regulations

The Model is based on the principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) but has been simplified to cut out a lot of the jargon


Benefits of SFBB Certification

comply with the new legislation

Approve what you do to make food safelytrain staffprotect your business's reputationhelp you to make your activities more productive e.g. by wasting less food